I have a problem with the sport

3 min readFeb 1, 2023

So, as it is, I have a problem with sports: I don’t like it.

Reasons why I don’t like it

I don’t like to force the body until the feeling of not being able to do it anymore.

I don’t like the feeling that I’m short of breath or strength.

When I’m at home, if I value where I would be better, it’s never playing sports.

If I look for the sports that I like more, there is none. In any case, there are some of them that I dislike less, therefore, I can tolerate them.

It’s not a hobby for me.

I don’t like the obligation to have a group with which to play sports and feel obliged to do it when I really don’t want to or can.

I know that there are people who are looking forward to the weekend to take the bike and go to the mountain or go very far by road. That is not my case. I don’t like it, of course.

There are other people who enjoy a paddle tennis or tennis match. I enjoy it halfway.

Things that I like about sports

It’s not that I’ve never played sports. I played sports in my youth. And in college and even now. So I speak from knowledge.




I am a designer and writer looking beyond the horizons of my actual possibilities, looking for new challenges