How to celebrate something with family or friends and make sure everything goes well

3 min readJan 1, 2023

Expectations and frustration go hand in hand.

Family events are intended to be joyful and memorable occasions, but too often they are ruined by the expectations we create. Whether it’s expectations of the event itself – for example, the food, decorations, activities, or the attendance of family members – or expectations of what our family members should behave like, too often these expectations are unrealistic or are not shared by all attending the event.

When we watch movies of perfect family Christmas moments, it’s hard not to compare our own to the ideal. We want our family to be just as close and just as happy. We want to experience the same moments of laughter and joy that we see on the screen. But the truth is, our family is different and so is our Christmas. It might not be quite as picture perfect as what we see in the movies, but it can still be a time of love and appreciation for one another.

Social networks are also to blame for creating unrealistic family Christmas expectations. We scroll through our feeds and see friends and family sharing picturesque moments with their families, decorated trees, and Christmas dinners. We get a glimpse into their perfect holiday and can’t help but compare our own. We may even start to feel inadequate or…




I am a designer and writer looking beyond the horizons of my actual possibilities, looking for new challenges