AI, ML, DeepL or LLM. Get up to date.

4 min readJun 3, 2023

Cada vez estamos más metidos de lleno en todas estas siglas. Las leemos y pasamos de ellas, algunos porque creemos entenderlas y otros porque creen que nunca las van a entender.

Voy a explicarlas de forma muy sencilla gracias a la ayuda de ChatGPT-4.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a discipline that seeks to develop systems capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence. This involves the creation of algorithms and models that allow machines to simulate certain aspects of intelligence, such as reasoning, learning and decision-making. An example of AI is Apple’s Siri virtual assistant, which can answer questions, perform tasks and carry out conversational interactions with users.

Within AI, we find Machine Learning, a sub-branch that focuses on developing algorithms and techniques that allow machines to learn from data and improve their performance through experience. Instead of programming explicit rules, machine learning allows machines to analyze large amounts of data and discover patterns or relationships to make decisions or make predictions. A common example of machine learning is the email spam filter, which learns to identify unwanted emails based on patterns found in messages previously marked as spam or non-spam.




I am a designer and writer looking beyond the horizons of my actual possibilities, looking for new challenges